Alcohol Use Disorder help in Baltimore, Maryland

Calculator: Alcohol Use Screening Test

Answer just a few questions and we’ll provide health and risk guidelines related to your drinking.

Calculator: Alcohol Use Screening Test

Answer just a few questions and we’ll provide health and risk guidelines related to your drinking.

0 to 7 points: Low risk
You probably do not have a problem with alcohol. Continue drinking in moderation or not at all.

8 to 15 points: Medium risk
You may drink too much on occasion. This may put you or others at risk. Try to cut down on alcohol or stop drinking completely.

16 to 19 points: High risk
Your drinking could lead to harm, if it has not already. It is important that you cut down on alcohol or stop drinking completely. Ask your doctor or nurse for advice on how best to cut down.

20 to 40 points: Addiction likely
It is likely that your drinking is causing harm. Speak to your doctor or nurse or an addiction specialist. Ask about medications and counseling that can help you stop drinking. If you are dependent on alcohol, do not stop drinking without the help of a health care professional.

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